(Apologies for cross-posting, but please feel free to forward!)<br><br>
<b>"Culture & Technology" - European Summer School in
Digital Humanities , 22 July - 2 August 2013 University of Leipzig -
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/" eudora="autourl">
</a>The <b>application phase</b> has been extended for 2 weeks and will
now end the <b>15th of June 2013</b>.<br><br>
<b>Please note</b>: applications for places are considered on a rolling
basis. Only people who have been attributed a place by the expert
evaluators can register for the Summer School. Only registered
participants can apply for a bursary.<br><br>
Information on how to apply for a place in one of the workshops can be
found at:
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/node/230" eudora="autourl">
<b>Accommodation</b>: As two important fairs take place in Leipzig at the
same time as the Summer School, people who are interested in taking part
in the Summer School are strongly advised to book / apply for a place in
one of the comfortable but reasonably prized hostels or student
residences as early as possible. For more information see
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/accommodation" eudora="autourl">
http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/accommodation</a>. <br><br>
<b>Certificate</b>: Participation in the summer school and the Workload
will be certified. The Workload of the participation in one workshop, all
the lectures and project presentations, the poster session, and the panel
session taken together corresponds to 5 ECTS-Points.<br><br>
<b>Bursaries: </b>3 types of bursaries are available (see
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/node/245" eudora="autourl">
<li>(1) bursaries for members of the following Eastern European partner
universities of the University of Leipzig:
</ul><b>Bulgaria</b> <br>
Sofiski Uniwersitet Sw. Kliment Ochridski<br>
<b>Poland</b> <br>
Uniwersytet Wroc awski<br>
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie<br>
<b>Rumania</b> <br>
Universitatea Babe -Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca<br>
<b>Russia</b> <br>
Moskowski gosudarstwenny uniwersitet im. M. W. Lomonosowa <br>
Sankt-Peterburgski gosudarstwenny uniwersitet<br>
Kazanski gosudarstwenny uniwersitet<br>
<b>Slovenia</b> <br>
Univerza v Ljubljani<br>
<b>Czech Republic<br>
</b>Univerzita Karlova v Praze<br>
</b>Kiewski nazionalny uniwersitet im. Tarasa Schewtschenko<br>
<b>Republic of Belarus<br>
</b>Beloruski gosudarstvenny uniwersitet
<li>(2) 1 bursary for a member of one of the following non-European
partner universities of the University of Leipzig:
</b>Addis Ababa University<br>
</b>Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - Mendoza<br>
</b>Universidade Federal de Pernambuco<br>
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro<br>
</b>Universidad de Chile<br>
Pontificia Universidad Católica<br>
Universidad de los Andes<br>
<b>People's Republic of China<br>
</b>Renmin University of China<br>
Tongji University<br>
</b>Gadjah Mada University<br>
State University of Jakarta / University of Brawijaya<br>
</b>Ben Gurion University<br>
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br>
</b>Waseda University<br>
Chiba University<br>
</b>Carleton University<br>
University of Alberta<br>
</b>Universidad de La Habana<br>
</b>Colegio de México, Mexico<br>
</b>Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima<br>
<b>South Africa<br>
</b>Universiteit Stellenbosch<br>
</b>Damascus University<br>
</b>University of Dar es Salaam<br>
<b>United States of America<br>
</b>University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama<br>
Binghamton University, State University of New York<br>
Kent State University, Ohio<br>
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio<br>
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusets<br>
University of Houston, Texas Rice University, Texas<br>
University of Arizona, Tucson<br><br>
<li>(3) several bursaries for participants who are not members of the
above partner universities of the University of Leipzig.
</ul>The Summer School is directed at 60 participants from all over
Europe and beyond. The Summer School wants to bring together (doctoral)
students, young scholars and academics from the Arts and Humanities,
Library Sciences, Engineering and Computer Sciences as equal partners to
an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience in a
multilingual and multicultural context and thus create the conditions for
future project-based cooperations and network-building across the borders
of disciplines, countries and cultures.<br><br>
The Summer School aims to provide a stimulating environment for
discussing, learning and advancing knowledge and skills in the methods
and technologies which play a central role in Humanities Computing and
determine more and more the work done in the Arts and Humanities, in
libraries, archives, and similar fields. The Summer School seeks to
integrate these activities into the broader context of the <i>Digital
Humanities</i>, where questions about the consequences and implications
of the application of computational methods and tools to cultural
artefacts of all kinds are asked. It further aims to provide insights
into the complexity of humanistic data and the challenges the Humanities
present for computer science and engineering and their further
development. <br><br>
In all this the Summer School also aims at confronting the so-called
<i>Gender Divide</i>, i.e. the under-representation of women in the
domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Germany and
Europe. But, instead of strengthening the<i> hard sciences </i>as such by
following the way taken by so many measures which focus on the so-called
STEM disciplines and try to convince women of the attractiveness and
importance of Computer Science or Engineering, the Summer School relies
on the challenges that the Humanities with their complex data and their
wealth of women represent for Computer Science and Engineering and the
further development of the latter, on the overcoming of the boarders
between <i>hard</i> and <i>soft sciences</i> and on the integration of
Humanities, Computer Science and Engineering.<br><br>
The Summer School takes place across 11 whole days. The intensive
programme consists of workshops, public lectures, regular project
presentations, a poster session and a panel discussion. <br><br>
(<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/node/226" eudora="autourl">
<li>Computing Methods applied to DH: TEI-XML Markup and CSS/XSLT
<li>Query in Text Corpora
<li>Stylometry: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Literary Texts
<li>Editing in the Digital Age: From Script, to Print, to Digital Page
<li>Art History: Research and Teaching going Digital
<li>Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of multimodal human-human /
human-machine communication / interaction
<li>Large Project Planning, Funding, and Management
</ul>Each workshop consists of a total of 15 sessions or 30 week-hours.
The number of participants in each workshop is limited to 12.<br>
(<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/node/260" eudora="autourl">
<li><font color="#221E1F">Gregory Crane (Universität Leipzig, Germany /
Tufts University Boston, USA): „Open Philology and a Global Dialogue
among Civilizations“</font>
<li>Ray Siemens (University of Victoria, Canada): „Perspectives on
Knowledge Construction in the Humanities“
<li>Christof Schöch (Universität Würzburg, Germany): „Big? Long? Smart?
Messy? Data in the Humanities“
<li>Manfred Thaller (Universität Köln, Germany): „Praising Imperfection:
Why editions do not have to be finished“
<li>Jean Guy Meunier (Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec): „Reading
and analyzing text in the digital world“
<li>Nicoletta Calzolari (CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy): „Language resources and
semantic web“
<li>Marco Büchler (Universität Leipzig, Germany): „Historical Text Re-use
Detection: Behind the scene“
<li>Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens Institute for the History of the
Netherlands, The Hague, NL): „Helpful, Harmless or Heretical?“
</ul><b>Project presentations:<br><br>
</b>The call for the Summer School should also be intended as a call for
project presentation. We expect above all the young scholars who
participate in the Summer School to present their projects. Next to
projects of the participants of the Summer School advanced institutional
and / or funded projects by scholars from the Humanities, Computer
Science and Engineering will be presented.<br><br>
<b>Panel discussion: <br><br>
</b>The Summer School will feature a panel discussion devoted to the
question<font color="#808285"> </font>"Humanities, Libraries and
Computer Science - How to Manage the Synergies?"<br><br>
For all the other relevant information please consult the Web-Portal of
the European Summer School in Digital Humanities “Culture &
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/" eudora="autourl">
http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/</a> which will be
continually updated and integrated with more information as soon as it
becomes available.<br><br>
Elisabeth Burr <br><br>
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Burr<br>
Französische / frankophone und italienische Sprachwissenschaft<br>
Institut für Romanistik<br>
Universität Leipzig<br>
Beethovenstr. 15<br>
D-04107 Leipzig<br>
<a href="http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~burr" eudora="autourl">