<div dir="ltr"><br>*************************************************************************<br>CALL FOR PARTICIPATION<br>REPLAB 2014 @ CLEF 2014<br><br>*************************************************************************<br>
<br>RepLab is a competitive evaluation exercise for Online Reputation Management systems. As in previous two years, the third RepLab campaign is an activity of CLEF, and the results of the exercise will be discussed at the CLEF 2014 conference in Sheffield, on the 15-18th September (see <a href="http://clef2014.clef-initiative.eu/">http://clef2014.clef-initiative.eu/</a> for details).<br>
<br> <br>TASKS: <br>------<br>RepLab 2014 will focus on Reputation Monitoring on Twitter, targeting two new tasks: (1) the categorization of tweets with respect to standard reputation dimensions provided by the Reputation Institute (<a href="http://www.reputationinstitute.com/about-reputation-institute/the-reptrak-framework">http://www.reputationinstitute.com/about-reputation-institute/the-reptrak-framework</a>) and (2) the characterization of Twitter profiles related to a certain activity domain by classifying them by type (as journalists, professionals, etc.) and finding influential authors. <br>
<br>Participants are welcome to present systems that attempt one or both tasks (please refer to <a href="http://nlp.uned.es/replab2014/">http://nlp.uned.es/replab2014/</a> for details).<br><br>Note that Twitter profile classification forms part of the shared PAN-RepLab author profiling task. Besides the characterization of profiles from a reputation analysis perspective, participants can also attempt the classification of authors by gender and age, which is the focus of PAN 2014 (<a href="http://www.uni-weimar.de/medien/webis/research/events/pan-14/pan14-web/author-profiling.html">http://www.uni-weimar.de/medien/webis/research/events/pan-14/pan14-web/author-profiling.html</a>). <br>
<br>In addition to the two tasks mentioned above, RepLab 2014 will include a track with peer-reviewed papers, TORM (Track for Online Reputation Monitoring) which will present research progress in tasks addressed by RepLab 2013 (<a href="http://www.limosine-project.eu/events/replab2013">http://www.limosine-project.eu/events/replab2013</a>, <a href="http://nlp.uned.es/replab2013/">http://nlp.uned.es/replab2013/</a>).<br>
<br>DATA SETS:<br>----------<br>For the reputation dimensions task, part of the RepLab 2013 data set will be used. It will contain around 70,000 tweets annotated according to their reputational dimension and belonging to the automotive and banking domains. <br>
<br>For the user profiling task, the data set consists of over 8,000 Twitter profiles (all with at least 1,000 followers) related to the automotive and banking domains. Each profile is represented by (i) profile name; (ii) profile URL and (iii) the last 600 tweets published by the author at crawling time. The opinion makers (i.e. authors with reputational influence) have been manually identified by reputation experts and are annotated as “Influencer”.<br>
<br>Each opinion maker is categorized as journalist, professional, authority, activist, investor, company or celebrity. The data set will be split into training and test subsets. The estimatated proportion is 30% and 70% respectively, although the exact splits will be given later.<br>
<br><br>HOW TO PARTICIPATE:<br>-------------------<br>Register for RepLab at the CLEF 2014 web page (<a href="http://clef2014.org">http://clef2014.org</a>) and contact the lab organizers (<a href="mailto:enrique@lsi.uned.es">enrique@lsi.uned.es</a> and <a href="mailto:jcalbornoz@lsi.uned.es">jcalbornoz@lsi.uned.es</a>) for further instructions.<br>
<br><br>IMPORTANT DATES:<br>----------------<br> March 1: Release of training data<br><br> March 17: Release of test data<br><br> May5: System results due<br><br> May 19: Official results released<br><br> June 7: Deadline for paper submissions<br>
<br> September 15-18: CLEF 2014 Conference in Sheffield<br><br>A call for papers for TORM (Track for Online Reputation Monitoring) will be released shortly.<br><br><br>IMPORTANT LINKS:<br>----------------<br><br>- RepLab 2014 guidelines: <a href="http://nlp.uned.es/replab2014/">http://nlp.uned.es/replab2014/</a><br>
<br>- CLEF conference web page: <a href="http://clef2014.clef-initiative.eu/">http://clef2014.clef-initiative.eu/</a><br><br>- Facebook event (On this forum, you can share your impressions<br> and resolve doubts that might arise during the development):<br>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/593775794030878/">https://www.facebook.com/events/593775794030878/</a><br><br><br>ORGANIZERS:<br>-----------<br>RepLab is an activity sponsored by EU project LiMoSINe (<a href="http://limosine-project.eu">http://limosine-project.eu</a>). Lab organizers are:<br>
<br>Adolfo Corujo, Llorente & Cuenca <br>Julio Gonzalo, UNED <br>Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam <br>Edgar Meij, Yahoo Labs <br>Enrique Amigó, UNED, <br>Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz, UNED <br>Damiano Spina, UNED <br>
Irina Chugur, UNED <br>Vanessa Álvarez, Llorente & Cuenca <br>Ana Pitart, Llorente & Cuenca <br><br>STEERING COMMITTEE:<br>-------------------<br><br>Eugene Agichtein, Emory University, USA<br>Alexandra Balahur, JRC, Italy<br>
Krisztian Balog, U. Stavanger, Norway<br>Donna Harman, NIST, USA<br>Eduard Hovy, Carnegy Mellon University, USA<br>Radu Jurca, Google, Switzerland<br>Jussi Karlgren, Gavagai/SICS, Sweden<br>Mounia Lalmas, Yahoo Research, Spain<br>
Jochen Leidner, Thomson Reuters, Switzerland<br>Bing Liu, U. Illinois at Chicago, USA<br>Alessandro Moschitti, U. Trento, Italy<br>Miles Osborne, U. Edinburgh, UK<br>Hans Uszkoreit, U. Saarbrucken, Germany<br>James Shanahan, Boston U., USA<br>
Belle Tseng, Apple, Inc.<br>Julio Villena, Daedalus/U. Carlos III, Spain<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><p><br></p><p>-----------------------------------------------</p>
<p><span><b>Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz, MSc, PhD.<br></b></span></p>
NLP & IR Group at UNED (<a href="http://nlp.uned.es/" target="_blank">http://nlp.uned.es</a>)<br>Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos<br>E.T.S. Informática UNED<br>C/ Juan del Rosal, 16