<div dir="ltr">CSDL (Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language) 2014 is the 12th incarnation of a conference first hosted in 1994 by the University of California, San Diego. In 2000, CSDL 5 was hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara and it is with great pleasure that we are bringing CSDL 12 back to the University of California system and to Santa Barbara in particular. CSDL 12 is co-organized by Stefan Th. Gries (Dept. of Linguistics) and Viola G. Miglio (Dept. of Spanish/Portuguese) and will take place 4-6 November 2014 at the Hyatt Santa Barbara directly at East Beach, Santa Barbara. The conference website at <<a href="https://sites.google.com/site/csdl2014atucsb/">https://sites.google.com/site/csdl2014atucsb/</a>> contains all information about the conference; if you have questions not addressed here, plz write to the conference email address at <<a href="mailto:csdl2014@gmail.com">csdl2014@gmail.com</a>>.<br>
<br>Call for papers<br><br>1 Potential topics<br>For CSDL 12 (2014), we are inviting a broad range of papers taking cognitive/psycholinguistic, functional, usage-/exemplar-based, or discourse-based approach to the study of language and its acquisition, processing, use, and change. Drawing from the range of topics listed by the organizers of the successful ICLC in Edmonton, topics of papers may include, but are not limited to:<br>
<br>- linguistic categorization: prototype theory, radial categories, ...;<br>- linguistic relativity, culture, and ethnosyntax;<br>- embodiment and language;<br>- metaphor, metonymy, mental spaces, conceptual blending, ICMs, frame semantics, image schemas, force dynamics, ...;<br>
- cognitive phonology, semantics, grammar, and construction grammars;<br>- discourse and grammar, text and discourse;<br>- language acquisition and learning;<br>- grammaticalization, language evolution, and change;<br>- cognitive corpus linguistics;<br>
- empirical methods: data from observation, experimentation, computational simulation.<br><br>2 Format of abstract<br>For full consideration, the abstract must be a PDF and meet the following specifications:<br><br>- page format: Letter or A4, margins: 1 inch/2.5 cm all around<br>
- font: Times (New Roman) 12pt<br>- paragraph format: single-spaced<br>- length: max. 1 page (plus 1 page for figures, tables, references, if necessary)<br><br>Note 1: Abstracts must be anonymous, which means author names should not appear anywhere on abstracts (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the third person for previously published work).<br>
Note 2: An author may submit maximally one single-authored and one co-authored paper.<br>Note 3: Abstracts will be subjected to a double-blind review by a minimum of two referees. Empirical papers and papers whose abstracts indicate that results are already available (rather than hoped for) will be given priority.<br>
Note 4: Submission of an abstract constitutes agreement to review maximally 5 abstracts yourself.<br><br>3 Submission of abstracts<br>The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 March 2014. We are using the LinguistList's EasyAbs system for abstract submission and reviewing; plz see the conference website for the relevant link.<br>
<br><br>Pre-conference and conference schedule<br><br>1 February 2014: 1st call for papers/participation<br>1 February 2014: room registration at the Hyatt Santa Barbara opens<br>10 March 2014: 2nd call for papers/participation<br>
21 February 2014: registration opens<br>24 March 2014: final call for papers/participation<br>31 March 2014: deadline for submission of abstracts<br>May 2014: notifications of acceptance<br>15 July 2014: deadline for early-bird registration<br>
4-6 November 2014: conference</div>