<div dir="ltr"><pre style="font-family:'bitstream vera sans mono','andale mono',monospace;font-size:9pt;color:rgb(65,64,66)"> As part of the project “Diachronic corpus of Greek of the 20th century” (Greek Corpus 20), which is funded in the frame of the action ARISTEIA (Excellence) by the European Cohesion Fund and the Greek government (General Secretariat for Research and Technology), we have published on our webpage a bibliography on the compilation and analysis of diachronic corpora and a list of diachronic and historical corpora of English and
other languages: <a href="http://en.greekcorpus20.phil.uoa.gr/publications.html" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:rgb(0,113,176)">http://en.greekcorpus20.phil.uoa.gr/publications.html</a>. We welcome any comments, additions etc. with a view to creating a comprehensive directory.
Dionysis Goutsos (Principal Investigator)
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
School of Philosophy
University of Athens
157 84 Zografou, Athens
Tel.: +30-210-7277644
Fax: +30-210-7277278
<a href="http://users.uoa.gr/~dgoutsos/" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:rgb(0,113,176)">http://users.uoa.gr/~dgoutsos/</a></pre></div>