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<p>Academic Exchange Quarterly (ISSN 1096-1453)<br /> Spring 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1<br /> Language: Education, Society and Profession<br /> Deadline: 30 November 2014</p>
<p>Keyword: LANGUAGE-2015<br /> Link: <a href="http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/lang2015.htm">http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/lang2015.htm</a> </p>
<p>Feature Editors:<br /> Emilia Di Martino<br /> Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli (Italia)<br /> E-mail: emiliadimartino@gmail.com<br /> &<br /> Marilyn Pasqua<br /> University of Calabria, Italy<br /> E-mail: marilynpasqua@tiscali.it<br /> &<br /> Anna Franca Plastina<br /> University of Calabria, Italy<br /> E-mail: annafranca.plastina@unical.it<br /> &<br /> Bruna Di Sabato<br /> Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli (Italia)<br /> E-mail: <a href="mailto:bdisabato.unisob@gmail.com">bdisabato.unisob@gmail.com</a> </p>
<p>Every published article automatically qualifies for inclusion in the upcoming Sound<br />Instruction Book Language: Education, Society and Profession</p>
<p>This is the announcement of the Academic Exchange Quarterly (ISSN 1096-1453) on Language, Education, Society and Profession.<br /> This issue aims to explore helpful cutting-edge knowledge pertaining to three broad areas: Language Teaching/Learning and Education, Language in Social Practices and Language use in the professions. The target language may be any second/foreign language, including English as a second language (ESL). Both quantitative and qualitative studies are welcome. More specific topics encompass, but are not limited to:</p>
<p>1. Applied linguistics<br /> 2. Bilingualism, multilingualism, language policies, and language planning<br /> 3. Classroom research<br /> 4.Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Technology-Enhanced Language (TELL)<br /> 5. Content Based Instruction (CBI ) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)<br /> 6. Corpus linguistics<br /> 7. Course and syllabus design<br /> 8. Cultural and linguistic issues related to migration<br /> 9. Discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis<br /> 10. Focused instruction<br /> 11. Interlanguage or learner language analysis (e.g. error, discourse and conversation analyses)<br /> 12. Language and dialect contact, code-switching and code-mixing<br /> 13. Language and Education<br /> 14. Language for Science and Technology (LST)<br /> 15. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP)<br /> 16. Language ideologies<br /> 17. Language in professional and academic practices<br /> 18. Learner autonomy<br /> 19. Learner variables (such as motivation, personality characteristics, age, aptitude, and<br />learning styles)<br /> 20. Methodologies and approaches to language teaching<br /> 21. Migration and hybridism in language<br /> 22.Pedagogical Translation<br /> 23. Second and foreign language teaching and learning<br /> 24. Sociolinguistics<br /> 25. Teaching cultural understanding in a second/foreign language class<br /> 26. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)<br /> 27. Translation as cultural mediation<br /> 28. Translation Pedagogy</p>
<p>Papers may be in the form of research reports, case studies, research in progress, or<br />theoretical papers.</p>
<p>Who May Submit:<br /> Submissions are welcome from teachers, researchers, administrators, teacher educators at all levels, and graduate students Please identify your submission with keyword: LANGUAGE-2015</p>
<p>Submission deadline:<br /> any time until the end of November 2014; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short. <br /><br /> Submission Procedure:<br /> http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/rufen1.htm</p>
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