Back to work...!

Teun A. van Dijk teun at HUM.UVA.NL
Tue Oct 5 15:19:17 UTC 1999


Dear friends,

For a variety of reasons, the CRITICS-L list has been dormant for some
time. This is another attempt to stir everybody up a bit just before we
change year, century and millennium. So, please, WAKE UP! There are many
urgent issues to be debated, information to be exchanged...


The most important message for now is that the list has moved to another


Please change the old address in your address-files.

I have reviewed the currently listed subscribers, and made some
corrections: Taken out some old e-mail addresses and some new addresses
of people I happen to know.

However, since the last update of the list is nearly 2 years old, I
expect that there will have been more changes. Those messages I get back
I'll delete from the list. If I know who the subscriber is and have a
newer address, I'll add that to the list. If I do not know the
subscriber, or have no other/newer address, there is nothing I can do...

Those of you who DO get this message but prefer to get their CRITICS-L
messages at another address, please let me know, and I'll change the
address. Or simply send the following one-line message from your new
address to LISTSERV at NIC.SURFNET.NL (but NOT to the whole list, so not to

subscribe CRITICS-L Your Name (U of Somehere).

You only need to mention your full name and university or other
institution, and need not mention your e-mail address (which the server
reads from your message automatically). You'll then get an e-mail
confirmation from listserv. I'll get a copy of that, and will then
remove your old address if I know it.


Those of you who want to unsubscribe from the list, please send the
following message to LISTSERV at NIC.SURFNET.NL:

signoff CRITICS-L

(no need to mention your e-mail address or your name). Again, please do
NOT send that message to CRITICS-L at, because as you may
know the whole list will read you want to leave, and your address won't
be deleted... If you later forget the command SIGNOFF to do this, or the
address, please ask me to remove your name from then list.



URGENT REQUEST: Those of you who have an e-mail address (numbers or
initials like 1234xyz at, or only a frequent firstname like 'John'
or 'Mary') that does not clearly show WHO you are or WHERE you are,
*please* add your name to your entry in the list, so that I know who you
are when I examine the list of subscribers (which was impossible now for
several subscribers). Please do this in the following way: send the
following message to LISTSERV at NIC.SURFNET.NL (and hence *NOT* to the
whole list critics-l at

subscribe CRITICS-L Your Name (U of Wherever).

That is, adding your name and --very briefly!!-- your university (the
program will read your e-mail address automatically from the account
from you mail the message, so you should NOT give your e-mail address
again) helps me identify the subscribers, which is important to manage
the list. Sending this line will automatically correct the line that is
already there (and which so far only has your e-mail address).  When you
have done this correctly, the server will respond with an e-mail message
that says that "the name associated with your e-mail at adres subscription
has been changed to Your Name (U of Wherever)." Those subscribers who do
not have an institutional address, may simply write (City, Country)
behind their name, of course. If you have any problems changing your
entry in the list, let me know, I can do it for you. Thanks you for
helping me with this: there is no way I can do this precisely because of
many subscribers I don't know who they are because of an opaque e-mail
address. So, please identify yourself...


In order to stimulate all subscribers to actively participate in the
list, we start work again with two messages, one from Ruth Wodak and one
from Norman Fairclough; short versions of these messages will be
guest-editorials in upcoming issues of  DISCOURSE & SOCIETY.


Those new or old members who never introduced themselves to the list,
PLEASE do so now: Tell us who you are, where you are, and what you do,
and especially what critical discourse/language analysis you are engaged
in, or any other information you want the list to have. Please do not
forget to add your name and address at the end of the message, so that
people can contact you also by snail mail, or send you materials. Of
course, if you prefer never to be contacted by normal mail, then you
only sign with your name.


I now live and am on sabbatical in Barcelona. For 1999 and 2000 (and
maybe longer), my new institutional address is as below. My e-mail
address and home-page have not changed. Contributions to DISCOURSE &
SOCIETY and DISCOURSE STUDIES should in principle be submitted by e-mail
attachment first.

I am looking forward to your contributions!!!!

Best wishes y un gran abrazo from Barcelona!



During 1999-2000:

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada (IULA)
La Rambla 32
08002 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34-93-272.1200 (home)
FAX:   +34-93-272.0106 (home)

Not changed:

E-mail: teun at

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