DeXus 1.0 - Discourse Studies summer school

Paul McIlvenny paul at SPROG.AUC.DK
Mon Mar 3 08:32:19 UTC 2003

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        DeXus - Discourse Nexus 1.0 
  An alternative international summer school 

             Invited guests: 
     Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, University of Birmingham
     Rick Iedema, The University of New South Wales
     Jay Lemke, University of Michigan 
     Stef Slembrouck, Ghent University

        18th - 23rd August, 2003

       Centre for Discourse Studies
    Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

                Web site:

DeXus is the name given to the Discourse Nexus alternative summer school
for discourse studies to be held yearly in the Centre for Discourse
Studies at Aalborg University. This year it will take place for the first
time in August 2003. The code 1.0 signifies version 1.0, the first
actualisation, with progressively refined versions to come. DeXus will
focus on innovative research in discourse studies and its application to a
variety of settings and data sets, using a mix of lectures, group work and
discussion sessions. 

The goal of DeXus is to create a space in which attendees - invited
guests, students, postgrads and established scholars - can discuss the
latest moves in discourse studies, apply approaches in discourse studies
to 'real world' problems, learn hands-on in a positive environment and
find new relays between academic work and social change. The exact format
and thematics of DeXus has not yet been finalised, but there are some
features that are essential. We have invited a number of guests to play
the role of 'wayfinders' or 'midwives'. Their job is to provide different
resources for learning: to promote discussion, to clarify methods, and to
illustrate analysis. 

Following the first day of lectures by the invited guests, which will
establish a common ground work, we concentrate over the following three
days on two or three themes around which the group work will cluster. On
the last day, all groups will come together to report on their findings,
solutions and applications, with commentary and discussion from the
wayfinders. A poster session will take place during the first day for
those who wish to present their research publicly. More details on the
DeXus web site.

DeXus will interest students and scholars who work in the diverse fields
of discourse studies, particularly mediated discourse analysis, critical
discourse analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, linguistic
anthropology, multimodal discourse analysis, organisational discourse
analysis, social semiotics, practice theory, gender and discourse, and
workplace studies.

DeXus themes include: 
  - Movement/Mobility/Flow/Scale
  - Structure/Ordering/Organisation
  - Change/Intervention/Critique
  - Interaction/Technology/Artefact
  - Nature/Environment/Habitus
  - Belonging/Citizenship/Linking/Relationality
  - Mediation/Mode/Action/Practice
  - Care/Risk

The summer school is international and open to all researchers, PhD and
graduate students. 

For more academic information, contact the organisers:
       Paul McIlvenny <paul at>
    or Pirkko Raudaskoski <pirkko at>

Please register online at <>. 

The deadline for registration is 15th June 2003.

The participation fee is 1800 Danish kroner, which covers administrative
costs, tea/coffee and lunches every working day, and one evening drinks
reception (Monday) and one evening dinner (Thursday).  More information on
the DeXus web site.

Location, travel and accommodation information is available on the web
site. Travel and accommodation is the responsibility of the participant.

For practical information contact the DeXus secretariat at
<dexus at>.

A poster (PDF) for DeXus 1.0 is available online. 
Please download, print, post and redistribute... thanks.

Note: DeXus draws upon the progressive pedagogical model at Aalborg
University to experiment with a problem-based, project-centred research
summer school for postgraduates and scholars in the field of discourse
studies. The core concept is the free play of ideas within the thematic
context of group-derived problems and reflexive project work developed
during the six fruitful days of DeXus - Dissective, Dissensual, Dextrous
and Delectable!

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