non semiotic elements

beaugrande at BEAUGRANDE.COM beaugrande at BEAUGRANDE.COM
Wed Dec 6 18:28:22 UTC 2006

"I approach the question of learning indirectly in terms of the more general and in a sense more fundamental question of the performativity of texts or, in critical realist terms...their causal effects on nonsemiotic elements of the material, social, and mental worlds and the conditions of possibility for the performativity of texts.(p. 225)" 

Though I can't claim to know what Norm means by "performativity of texts" -- apparently not "peforrmance" -- nor "the conditions of possibility for the performativity of texts" -- apparently not "competence" -- I would assert that it cannot have "effects on nonsemiotic elements" much less "causal" ones; and that in any case that is not what I would define as ?the question of learning?, which is surely semiotic in every sense.


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