Studies in Language and Capitalism

J.E.Richardson J.E.Richardson at LBORO.AC.UK
Tue Nov 18 15:53:21 UTC 2008

Dear all,

(apologies for cross posting)
Issue 3/4 of Studies in Language and Capitalism is now 
All articles free to download.

Many thanks to the authors and copyright holders for their 
assistance in putting the issue together

best wishes
John & Ian


Editors’ Note

Workers’ Life
The Worker Correspondent (p.1)

Salvador Allende
Speech to the First Conference of Left Journalists (p.11)

Lluis Bassets
Clandestine Communications: Notes on the press and 
propaganda of the anti-Franco resistance (1939-1975) 

Armand Mattelart
The ‘Mass Line’ of the Bourgeoisie (1970-1973) (p.41)

Graham Murdock
Reconstructing the Ruined Tower: Contemporary 
Communications and Questions of Class (p.67)

Michael Zukosky
A Semantic Shift from Socialist Land Reform to Neoliberal 
Pastoral Development in China (p.93)

Leon Barkho
The Discursive and Social Power of News Discourse: The 
case of Aljazeera in comparison and parallel with the BBC 
and CNN (p.111)

Sean Phelan
Democracy, the Academic Field and the (New Zealand) 
Journalistic Habitus (p.161)

Emily Turner-Graham
“Austria First”: H.C. Strache, Austrian identity and the 
current politics of Austria’s Freedom Party (p.181)

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