Conference 25/10 and workshop for Master/Phds 26/10-2012 on climate communication in Bergen, Norway

Anje Müller Gjesdal anje.gjesdal at
Fri Aug 3 10:48:18 UTC 2012

Dear colleagues,

The conference "DOES LANGUAGE MATTER? Different Voices, Different  
Stories: Perspectives on Language Use in Climate Change Text and Talk"  
will take place at the University of Bergen, on Thursday 25 October  
2012 followed by a workshop for PhD candidates and master students on  
Friday 26 October 2012.

You are all warmly welcome. Please forward to interested colleagues,  
particularly Master students and PhD candidates who are interested in  
climate change discourse.

Best regards,

Anje Müller Gjesdal

(please excuse double postings).

Preliminary programme Thursday 25 October

8.30 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.30 Welcome by conference organisers professor Kjersti  
Fløttum, University of Bergen, and professor Trine Dahl, NHH Norwegian  
School of Economics.

Voice of the Youth: Climate and the Future. Tone Bjørndal

09.30 "Too hot to handle? Climate change communication and its public  
Marianne Ryghaug, professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies  
of Culture,
NTNU, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies  

10.10 "A Nelson Mandela Approach to the Polarization of Global Warming"
Samuel George Philander, Knox Taylor Professor of Geosciences, Princeton
University and Research Director of ACCESS (African Centre for Climate  
and Earth
System Science), Cape Town

10.50 – 11.05 Coffee break

11.05 "What's 'real' science? Discourses about science, scientists and  
climate change after climategate and their implications for behaviour  
Brigitte Nerlich, professor of Science, Language and Society, Faculty  
of Social
Sciences, University of Nottingham

11.45 "Just Tell a Story!: The Power of Communicating Climate Science  
via Cultural Narrative"
Dr Michael D. Jones, Residential Research Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Foundation
Center for Ethics, Harvard University

12.25 Norwegian representative in international climate negotiations –  
name to be announced

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.15 Perspectives from politics, business and NGOs

Unni Berge, political advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former  
deputy director of ZERO –the Zero Emissions Resource Organisation

Kikki Kleiven, associate professor at the Department of Earth Science,  
University of Bergen, research director at the Bjerknes Centre for  
Climate Research and board member, Norwegian Climate Foundation

Paul Joakim Sandøy, incoming leader of Unge Høyre (Young Conservatives)
Other contributors to be confirmed.

15.15 – 16.00 Plenary discussion

Venue: Auditorium “Egget”, Studentsenteret, Parkveien 1, 5007 Bergen

For the conference 25 October:
Preliminary registration to conference coordinator Anje Müller Gjesdal:
anje.gjesdal at
Final registration and payment: 10 September 2012
Participation fee: NOK 200 (coffee/tea and lunch included)
Payment can be made to account number 76940500857 (University of Bergen)

NB!! Please include the following information in your payment:
112000-IF, ”Different Voices, Different Stories”

Students and PhDs: free

For the workshop 26 October:
The topics of the conference will be followed up by the organisers in  
collaboration with professor Marianne Ryghaug and Dr Michael Jones in  
a one day workshop for 15 -20 PhD candidates/ master students. On the  
basis of submitted abstracts, 6 –-8 participants will get the  
opportunity to present and discuss their work.

Deadline for submission of abstract (approx. 500 words): 31 August 2012

To be sent to coordinator Anje Müller Gjesdal:  
anje.gjesdal at with copies to Kjersti Fløttum  
(kjersti.flottum at and Trine Dahl (trine.dahl at

No fee
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