FW: ECPR Summer School in Methods & Techniques - registration open --

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Feb 27 08:27:02 UTC 2013

From: Benoit Rihoux [mailto:benoit.rihoux at uclouvain.be]
Sent: 26 February 2013 14:26
To: benoit.rihoux at uclouvain.be<mailto:benoit.rihoux at uclouvain.be>
Subject: ECPR Summer School in Methods & Techniques - registration open --

Apologies for cross-postings / désolé si messages croisés

The 8th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques will be held at the University of Ljubljana, from 25 July - 10 August 2013. This has become a major event for methodological training, catering for the diverse needs of researchers and advanced students in political science and neighbouring disciplines.

Besides the intensive courses (5 refresher courses, 7 two-week courses and 24 one-week courses over a broad diversity of approaches, methods and techniques), the ECPR Summer School offers a great social programme in the stunning city of Ljubljana and the opportunity to network with fellow researchers from around the World. In addition participants have the opportunity to gain ECTS credits.

Full information through: http://new.ecpr.eu/methodschools/methodschools.aspx  (browse through: "Summer School" - "2013 - Ljubljana")

Course list & detailed outlines through: http://new.ecpr.eu/Events/PanelList.aspx?EventID=16

NB Early-bird fee: for ECPR Members, a discount of €100 applies to all two-week courses and €50 to all one-week courses. Payment must be received by ECPR by midnight on 19 March 2013. This discount does not apply to the software training courses.

Best regards,




Professeur - Professor

Centre de Science Politique et de Politique Comparée (CESPOL)

Institut de Sciences Politiques Louvain-Europe (ISPOLE)

Université catholique de Louvain - UCL

Place Montesquieu, 1 bte L2.08.07

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve / Belgique - Belgium

T : + 32 10 47 41 90 (41 57)

F : + 32 10 47 46 03

mail/courriel : benoit.rihoux at uclouvain.be<mailto:benoit.rihoux at uclouvain.be>

COMPASSS Resource Website : http://www.compasss.org

personal page : http://www.uclouvain.be/en-331932.html

ECPR Methods School : http://new.ecprnet.eu/MethodSchools/MethodSchools.aspx

* 8th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, Ljubljana, 25 July-10 August 2013

* 2nd ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, Vienna, 17-22 February 2013

ECPR Palgrave-MacMillan Research Methods Series :



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