<html>Dear colleagues,<br />Please find attached the Call for Papers for our joint conference co-organised by<br />The 38th International LAUD Symposium (LAUD 2018) and The Second Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC 2018).<br />The conference will be held in Landau, Germany from July 23-26, 2018, and the conference theme is<br />"Cultural Linguistics: Current and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Cultural Conceptualisations".<br />Further information on theme sessions, abstract deadlines etc. is included in the attachment.<br />We are looking forward to proposals for both presentations and posters!<br />Kind regards<br />Martin Pütz and Farzad Sharifian (main conference organisers)<br />Monika Reif, Neele Mundt, Frank Polzenhagen (local board)<br /><br /> </html>