Dramatic discourse/summary

Jari Kokkinen leo170863 at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 15 08:38:23 UTC 1999

Here is the list of references I received for drama and discourse.
Thanks for all that sent them and apologies for others for the delay
in presenting them.

Burton, Deirdre (1980) Dialogue and Discourse: a Sociolinguistic
Approachto Modern Drama Dialogue and Naturally Occurring Conversation
(Routledge &Kegan Paul)

Elam, Keir (1980) The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama (Methuen)

several papers in Carter, Ronald & Simpson, Paul (eds) (1989)
Language,Discourse and Literature (Unwin Hyman): Short, Mick
'Discourse analysisand the analysis of drama'; Simpson, Paul
'Politeness phenomena inIonesco's "The Lesson"; Nash, Walter
'Changing the guard at Elsinore'

Vimala Herman (1995): Dramatic Discourse. Routledge: London, New York.

also, if interested in Black drama in particular, contact
Vershawn Ashanti Young.


Jari K.

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