Translation or Localisation?

Dr. Eva Lia Wyss elwyss at DS.UNIZH.CH
Mon Dec 6 12:54:33 UTC 1999

>I'm looking for any ideas that can help understanding the differences
>between "translation", "localisation", "globalisation" and
>"internationalisation", in the contex of advertising.

hi khalid
there are different strategies to globalize resp. localize the
advertisings. you can read about that in

de mooij, mareike

and also in my book about advertising/commercials and their mimicry,
adaptation cultural variation. (niemeyer verlag, tuebingen)

and some ideas for you:
the interesting thing is also the naming of the processus of translation.
e.g. the professionals have other terms to describe their work than we
(researchers) have. so e.g. the translators, who are translating ads call
their work "adaptation". this is related to give their work a higher value,
because in the gilde of translators they stand in a very low rank.
for the film-transfers their are many methods to "localize". some use the
methods from early hollywood movie, they record several lipsinc-language
versions, then they do the dubbing job. other do one movie-version which
will be "really" dubbed, and so on.
then the cultural context is very important (also see fiske, john or
alasuutari). in german dubbed (american) film-text whole elements (as
persons, institutions) would be changed. e.g. the "ugly german" is "must"
be transfered. in swiss dubbed commercials there is more the "strict
german" used as a stereotype.

with my best regards
eva lia wyss, univ. zuerich  (switzerland)

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