discourse analysis & tutoring

doug sweet dsweet at BEST.COM
Thu Feb 11 00:22:52 UTC 1999

This is probably way off base for your needs, but "identity and authority"
construction perked my ears and I immediately thought, "Bakhtin." I know
he's been used and over-used for everything in the last decade, but I think
his stuff on constructing "authority" is incredibly helpful.  Speech Genres
and Other Late Essays:  pgs. 95; 149, 153
Dialogic Imagination: 294
And, Art and Answerability; The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship
and, Volosinov...Freudianism; Marxism and the Philosophy of Language.
Perhaps you're already aware of this stuff and have moved on?  Perhaps
you're using all this as your always/already base?  But on issues of
Author/authority...I find these rich.
Since you're working with tutors/tutees...and I was working with
instructor/student. Well, I found these helpful for my case.
Good Luck.
Please say "hi" to C. Jan Swearingen for me if you have occasion to see her.

>From: Susan Wolff Murphy <swm5351 at UNIX.TAMU.EDU>
>Subject: discourse analysis & tutoring
>Date: Thu, Feb 11, 1999, 12:07 AM

>Dear WC and Discourse Studies colleagues:
>I am beginning to gather data for a dissertation on tutors'
>discourse/tutoring discourse in a writing center (the tutors are paid
>graduate students and the clients are students of Texas A&M).  I have
>already finished a pilot study, for which I used mostly sociolinguistic
>tools/strategies of analysis (speech accommodation, politeness,
>conversational maxims, and studies of institutional interactions).  I am
>planning to expand my analysis into broader "rhetorical" issues as well,
>maybe looking at identity & authority construction, gender issues, etc.  I
>want to see what arises from my data.
>I am currently constructing a prelim. exam reading list.  I am asking for
>(1) suggestions of research and articles that might give me more tools with
>which to work, and (2) anyone working in this area or a closely related
>area to email me so that we might exchange articles and/or discuss our
>projects.  (I will be at 4C's BTW so we might be able to meet).
>Thank you for your time and attention,
>Susan Wolff Murphy
>Dept. of English--MS 4227
>Texas A&M Univ.
>College Station, TX 77843-4227
>(409) 845-3452 ext. 36
>swm5351 at unix.tamu.edu

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