minimal unit of hypertext

David Samuels samuels at ANTHRO.UMASS.EDU
Sat Jan 9 00:40:06 UTC 1999

I'd take a stab at saying that the minimal unit in hypertext is the root
lexical item for text searching - what does Adorno say about Beethoven?
Search for that string.  "Art" would get you art, artists, artistic,
artful, etc.  That stops working, though, when you want to find, say
nationalism/istic/ist, in which case you'd search for 'nationalis'.  Or
when different forms take different spellings, like discourse/discursive,
in which case a search for 'disc' might get you into a lot of trouble.

Procrastinatingly yours,

David W. Samuels
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
212 Machmer Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

VOX: (413) 545-2702
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