Reality -- what a concept.

Margaret L FalerSweany mfsweany at MTU.EDU
Thu Jan 14 15:32:50 UTC 1999

I agree that Bitzer doesn't focus on materiality, reality or truth-In fact,
he does seem to contradict himself for early in his article he implies a
constructionist interpretation

"rhetoric is a mode of altering reality, not by the direct application of
energy to objects but the creation of discourse which changes reality
through the mediation of thought and action . . . by bringing into existence
a discourse of such a character that the audience, in thought and action, is
so engaged that it becomes mediator of change."

But, at the end of the article he argues that
	The exigence and the complex of persons, objects, events and relations
which generate rhetorical discourse are located in reality, are objective
and publicly observable historic facts in the world we experience. . . .our
examination will certify its existence."

Unfortunately, Bitzer doesn't clarify this to my satisfaction in his
response to Vatz (and to Consigny who attempts to mediate between the two.)

If you're interested in the rhetorical situation, I suggest in addition to
Bitzer and Vatz,
Consigny, Scott, "Rhetoric and Its Situations." Philosophy and
Rhetoric 7 (1974)

Hunsaker, David M., and Craig R. Smith.  "[Rhetorical Situation
Follow Up to 1976 Article]."  Communication Quarterly
44.2 (1996, Spring)

Hunsaker, David M., and Smith, Craig R.  "The Nature
of Issues: A Constructive Approach to Situation Rhetoric."
Journal of the Western Speech Communication
Association 40 (1976): 144-56.

Grant-Davies, Keith. "Rhetorical Situations and Their
Constituents." Rhetoric review 15.2 (Spring 1997).

If you have an interest in the work that's been done on and with the
rhetorical situation, I have a bibliography of items at

A flashlight is basically a tin can for carrying dead batteries.
---Walter Mooney (aeronautics engineer)

Margaret L. FalerSweany
RTC, Humanities, WAHC 319
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931   906-482-6534  Fax: 906-487-3359
e-mail: falersweany at or mfsweany at

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