'Language in Contexts' CD-ROM<fwd>

Christian Kjaer Nelson cnelson at COMM.UMASS.EDU
Mon Jan 18 16:56:25 UTC 1999

At 04:16 PM 1/15/99 +0900, you wrote:

>the relevant information you need is at the end of the post i think:
>>For further information:
>>The Media Production Unit
>>Edith Cowan University
>>Pearson Street, Churchlands
>>Western Australia 6018
>>Telephone: (618) 9273 8293              Fax: (618) 9273 8029
>>email: l.bebich at cowan.edu.au

Neither the title browse or search functions at the URL provided turn up a
CD titled "Language in Contexts."  Any further information for tracking
this CD down?

Christian Nelson

Dr. Christian K. Nelson
Communication Department, Machmer Hall
Box 34815
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-4815 USA
cnelson at comm.umass.edu

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