Defining discourse

Michael Francis Morrison Iv mmorriso at HAWAII.EDU
Mon Jan 25 02:32:36 UTC 1999

> What is discourse? What definition(s) do you find useful, and what
> definitions seem unhelpful or off the mark? What frameworks or theories
> inform your definition?  Alternatively, do you feel that defining discourse
> is pointless, wrong-headed, detrimental (as Paul Bove suggests in his
> chapter on discourse in *Critical Terms for Literary Study,* Univ. of
> Chicago Press, 1995)? If so, what other approach would you advocate?

I'm not writing to answer, but to add a couple of other questions.  What
is critical discourse analysis?  What is the relationship between
discourse and sign (or discourse studies and semiotics/semiology)?
Discourse and text?  What levels of context are included in discourse?

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