Defining discourse

Ilan Mitchell-Smith ilan1 at JUNO.COM
Sun Jan 24 20:30:54 UTC 1999

On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:46:45 -0600 Michelle Kells <MHK4331 at ACS.TAMU.EDU>

>I like the metaphor of
>toggling as a way of fabricating and understanding discourse (the
>reading/interpretative/productive activity that feeds into the
>creation of new

	Sorry to slow down the bus here, but I don't understand this
metaphor at all.  I am not a linguist, nor have I spent much time in
Discourse Studies, and so I admittedly behind the curve here.
Nevertheless, I am interested in definition, but cannot  access the above
metaphor.  Can someone break this down a bit?


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