The Dialogue of Authorship

Eduardo Trucco eduardotrucco at ARNET.COM.AR
Thu Sep 14 13:15:55 UTC 2000

Dear Co-listers,

I would be very grateful for any bibliographic information you could send me about a book from which I only have the title and page numbers of its chapter 4: 'Metalinguistics: The Dialogue of Authorship' - 'Problems of Authorship' (pgs.123/171). The chapter is about some aspects of Bakhtin/Voloshinov's theory, where it is developed issues and concepts such as 'Utterance Versus Sentence', 'Active Understanding: The Join Creation of the Word', 'Authors: Voice and Intonation', 'Heteroglossia', 'Stylization', and 'Parody'.
Even when I have been searching for this reference for a long time, it has been impossible for me to find this information mainly because I live in a Spanish speaking developing country where books written in Enghish and information about English books are not easy to obtain at all.
I am looking forward to receiving any help from you.
Yours sincerely,
Eduardo Trucco
Cordoba, Argentina.
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