new book on text and discourse analysis

Alkisti Fleischer fleischa at GUSUN.GEORGETOWN.EDU
Tue Sep 19 16:09:29 UTC 2000

It's a Sage publication - you can order it at


Astrid Alkistis Fleischer

Ph.D. candidate in Sociolinguistics
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
480 Intercultural Center
Washington, D.C. 20057-1051

e-mail: fleischa at

"As you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
wish the way to be long,
full of adventures, full of discovery...."
(Constantinos Cavafis, "Ithaca", 1911)

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, SANUSI ALENA LEE wrote:

> As I remember the original posting, the names of the authors and the title
> of the book were given.  Does anyone have any information about the
> publisher and place of publication?
> --Alena Sanusi
> Dept of Communication,
> University of Colorado at Boulder

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