
lahcen lahcen at FULBRIGHTWEB.ORG
Wed Apr 18 09:27:49 UTC 2001

Welcome to the club.
I work in the area of political debates (parliamentary discourse in particular). I'd love to know how you deal with irony in public debates and what model of text analysis you adopt.


Mr. Lahcen GHECHI
Assistant Professor
Department of English
University of Tetouan

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From:         Anna Gustafsson <Anna.Gustafsson at NORDLUND.LU.SE>
Reply-To:     The Discourse Studies List <DISCOURS at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG>
Date:         Fri, 6 Apr 2001 14:06:59 +0200

>My name is Anna Gustafsson and I work at the Department of
>Scandinavian Languages of Lund University, Sweden. I'm currently
>teaching in textanalysis and writing classes, but I plan to write a
>thesis about political pamphlets in Sweden during ca 1750-1850. I am
>inspired of discourse analysis, and I also intend to study the way
>irony was used in political debate at the time and discuss how irony
>can be dealt with in textanalysis.
>/Anna Gustafsson
>Anna Gustafsson
>Institutionen för nordiska språk
>Helgonabacken 14
>223 62 Lund
>tel: 046-2229846
>e-mail: anna.gustafsson at

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