FWD: Re: Bibliography Political discourse analysis

lahcen lahcen at FULBRIGHTWEB.ORG
Thu Dec 6 18:47:53 UTC 2001

I had this answer from Jacob.
Thanks Jacob.

From: Jakob Cromdal <jakcr at tema.liu.se>
Date:  Thu, 06 Dec 2001 14:17:26 +0100

Hi again,
re to your (second) query:
>Is there a model that is specifically designed to account for political discourse?
>Do we need one?
>Does politcal discourse have (enough) distinctive features the
understanding of which one would need a special model?

Indeed, this seems to be the question to ask. According to the Czyzewski,et al model, there are two distinctive features of pilitical discourse (as well as 'discourse of politics', which is another category they use) namely that:

a/ this sort of debates are characterized by an openly displayed
inability/unwillingness to work towards a mutual understanding of issues or joint construction of meaning (which seems to be a principle underlying most of social interaction, or if you will sociability -at least from the point of ethnomethodologically informed approaches)

b/ this displayed 'patterns' of 'non-understanding' or perhaps even 'anti-understanding' (as opposed to misunderstanding) get routinized and, with time, ritualized to the extent as to form culturally shared expectations in a society; that is to say, people grow to EXPECT politicians NOT to try to meet each other in a sort of dialogical exchange(i.e., at least attempting to assume a reciprocity of perspectives and so on) -hence the label 'ritual chaos'. And obviously, the media act as catalyst in this ritualization of discourse involving politicians and
'cultural elites'.

I'm not sure if this was what you were after, but this is their basic argument, and for this reason, yes, these authors would claim that political discourse (and 'discourse of politics') is rather (and unfortunately) distinct from other forms of public discourse.

Hope this helps,

jakob cromdal

Jakob Cromdal			
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Child Studies		tel: +46 13 282907
Linkoping University		fax: +46 13 282900	
581 83 LINKOPING		email: jakcr at tema.liu.se
SWEDEN				www.tema.liu.se/tema-b/
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