forward: call for papers

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Fri Mar 30 20:08:02 UTC 2001

Sociolinguistics Symposium 14

Gent, April 4-6, 2002
 Plenary speakers:

Prof. John HAVILAND (Reed College, Portland)
Prof.  Don KULICK (University of Stockholm)
Prof. Ceil LUCAS (Gallaudet University,  Washington DC)
Dr. Ben RAMPTON (King's College, London)

Conference theme:

Discourse resources: the  sociolinguistics of access,
availability and distribution.

            In addition to papers in any area of        sociolinguistics,
the academic programme committee particularly welcomes        papers which
address the connections between sociolinguistics and        discourse
analysis by foregrounding issues of inequality with regard to
resources of language, discourses, styles and genres. Contributors are
encouraged to pay special attention to international as well as local
sites of language use and to signed as well as spoken language.

  * Deadlines  call for papers

* 1 June 2001: outline proposals for colloquia      * 1 October 2001:
abstracts      * 15 November 2001: outcome of refereeing process      * 15
January 2002: registration for presenters      * 1 March 2002: registration
for other conference participants
* Organising Committee:

* <mailto:jan.blommaert at>Prof. Jan Blommaert,      Department of
African Studies, University of Gent      *
<mailto:peter.flynn at>Mr. Peter Flynn, English      Department,
University of Gent      * <mailto:geert.jacobs at>Dr. Geert
Jacobs, Faculty      of Applied Economic Sciences, University of Antwerp
* <mailto:jim.odriscoll at>Dr. Jim O'Driscoll, English
Department, University of Gent      * <mailto:katrijn.maryns at>Ms.
Katrijn Maryns,      Department of African Studies, University of Gent
* <mailto:stef.slembrouck at>Prof. Stef Slembrouck,      English
Department, University of Gent      *
<mailto:annemarie.vandenbergen at>Prof. Annemarie      Vandenbergen,
English Department, University of Gent      *
<mailto:mieke.vanherreweghe at>Dr. Mieke Van      Herreweghe,
English Department, University of Gent and FEVLADO      *
<mailto:ellen.vanpraet at>Ms. Ellen Van Praet,      English
Department, University of Gent

   * Contact:

Sociolinguistics Symposium 14
c/o English    Department
University of Gent
Rozier 44
B-9000 Gent (Belgium)

Tel: 32-9-264-3788
Fax: 32-9-264-4179
E-mail: ss14 at

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