Call for protest of ABC's slamming of interaction research

Thomas Bloor T.Bloor at ASTON.AC.UK
Wed Apr 10 17:46:23 UTC 2002

Well said. Could you please provide reference details for the cockpit

On 06/04/02 William Mann emailed;

>This episode reminds me of other interaction research with a very strong
>In the 1980s there were studies of the cockpit interactions that immediately
>preceded airline crashes.  Charlotte Linde and others found that there were
>avoidable practices that had been instrumental in producing some of the
>The FAA took note, pilot training was upgraded, and it is very likely that
>some of us are alive because of it.
>Here, of course, the "pilots"  are flying nations rather than planes.
>Rest well.
>Bill Mann
> William C. Mann
>6739 Cross Creek Estates Road
>Lancaster, SC 29720
>(803) 286-6461
> bill_mann at

Thomas Bloor
Honorary Fellow
Language Studies Unit
Aston University
Birmingham, UK
B4 7ET

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