DISCOURS Digest - 6 Apr 2002 to 10 Apr 2002 (#2002-25)

Fay Wouk f.wouk at AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
Thu Apr 11 19:16:04 UTC 2002

>On the cockpit studies:
>Sorry, I don't have the references.  I left the field in 1990 and later
>returned, so some links are lost.  I suspect that a reference librarian
>could search it out, or Charlotte Linde could be found.
>Happy search.
>Bill Mann

If anyone wants to reach Charlotte Linde, her email address as of last year was

  charlinde at aol.com
Fay Wouk
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
f.wouk at auckland.ac.nz

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