IMPORTANT: Virus information

lahcen lahcen at FULBRIGHTWEB.ORG
Wed Jan 30 12:36:27 UTC 2002

I think that was a spam. An antivirus company was perhaps meant to be advertised, I suppose.

I have a preliminary bibliography on plitical discourse analysis. Are you still interested?

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From:         Celso Alvarez Cáccamo <lxalvarz at UDC.ES>
Reply-To:     The Discourse Studies List <DISCOURS at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG>
Date:          Wed, 30 Jan 2002 03:17:52 +0100

>The virus is Bill Gates. Richest person on earth.
>Virus are avoidable. To a certain extent, Bill Gates is, too.
>I suggest:
>1) Not allowing attachments in messages to the list (are they allowed now?).
>2) If attachments are a must, allow only PDF files. There are FREE programs
>to turn any document into a PDF file. Ghostview / Ghostcript are free
>utilities. It takes a couple of steps to turn a file into a virus-free PDF
>file, but then it works like magic. Ghostview / Ghostcript are not Microsoft.
>3) Not using Outlook or Outlook Express. There are better, alternative
>email programs. I like Eudora. It's not Microsoft.
>4) Not using Microsoft Word in order to avoid opening and sending DOC files
>with macro viruses. There are better word processors. I use and like Word 
>Perfect 8. It's not Microsoft.
>5) Installing a "firewall" that detects unwanted calls in and out of one's
>machine. I suggest Tiny Personal Firewall, freeware. It's not Microsoft.
>6) Installing a good antivirus, of course. Norton, McAfee, PC-Cilin or
>Panda are NOT Microsoft. Ain't it funny/interesting that Microsoft hasn't 
>developed or doesn't own any of the major antivirus packages around?
>Instead, Microsoft constantly urges users to "upgrade" to another version 
>and to install "patches" to Windows due to "security holes".
>Isn't it funny, too, that a good antivirus is NOT "bundled" together with 
>Windows, as Internet Explorer is? Or with Office? It would be easy for
>Microsoft. Why don't they do it?
>Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
>lxalvarz at
>At 15:15 2002-01-29 -0600, you wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>The DISCOURSE list seems to be distributing many viruses lately. . . .

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