introduction and request

Patti Dunmire pdunmire at KENT.EDU
Thu Oct 17 15:45:42 UTC 2002

Hello. My name is Patti Dunmire and I teach rhetoric and discourse analysis
in the Literacy, Rhetoric, and Social Practice doctoral major at Kent State
University.  My primary research area is political discourse, which I
examine via critical linguistics and critical discourse analysis methods.

I am currently working on a project that examines the ways in which
representations of the future are articulated in and through political
discourse.  I would appreciate any help folks are able to provide
concerning other studies that present rhetorical, linguistic, and/or
discourse analysis of representations of the future.  I am also looking for
work that discusses the role of representations of the future in political
discourse, or any other discourse genre or context.

Thank you,
Patricia L. Dunmire
Associate Professor of Rhetoric
Department of English
113 Satterfield Hall
Kent State University
Kent OH  44242
pdunmire at

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