Call for papers: Panel IPrA 07 "Appropriation of media texts"

Cornelia Gerhardt c.gerhardt at MX.UNI-SAARLAND.DE
Mon Jul 31 11:08:11 UTC 2006


With apologies for multiple-postings

"The appropriation of media texts"

I would like to propose a panel for IPrA 07 (09-13 July in Göteborg, 
Sweden) focusing on the appropriation of media texts into everyday life.

On the one hand, there is an extensive body of research on primary media 
texts. It ranges from all possible types of media (e.g. television, 
newspapers, the World Wide Web) to the analysis of different genres (e.g. 
news, soap opera, sports commentary). On the other hand, linguistics has 
developed (or embraced) a number of tools which describe language in common 
face-to-face encounters (such as ethnomethodology, interactional 
sociolinguistics, conversation analysis). However, there has been hardly 
any linguistic work demonstrating how media texts are incorporated 
linguistically into everyday life. The panel will be proposed to bridge the 
gap between these two strands, exploring how media discourses are 
appropriated in daily interactions. 

Possible topics for papers include:

- verbal (para-/extra-verbal) practices during the reception process
- negotiating the meaning of primary media texts
- constructing identities or social realities with reference to media 
- multimodality regarding the reception of media texts
- influences of media texts on everyday conversation

In accordance with the special theme of the conference, the papers should 
be based on corpora. Also, the data should not consist of the primary media 
text only. The focus should be the audience/users/readers
 and their 

If you are working in this field, please contact me (c.gerhardt at mx.uni-

Cornelia Gerhardt
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Lehrstuhl für englische Sprachwissenschaft
FR. 4.3 Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Anglophone Kulturen
Universität des Saarlandes
PF 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

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