"(Critical) Discourse Analysis" on Wikipedia

Dr Hatch drhatch at BITSYU.NET
Sun Mar 12 21:18:34 UTC 2006

Dear All

On 12/3/06 9:43 PM, "Rosemarie Coste Yechiel" <rcoste at TAMU.EDU> wrote:

> Of course, one huge impediment toward meeting this goal is the reality that
> most of the people who know the most about any Subject X are too busy working
> with it directly to spend time adding their knowledge to the Wikipedia

Too busy, or too elitist?

Otherwise Rosemarie is right.
But we also ­ all of us ­ should support Open Access publication across the
academic world. It is interesting that large numbers of physical science
journals are available, but few dedicated to linguistics. Traditional
academic journals are really elitist. There are universities throughout the
world ­ including Europe ­ which cannot afford most academic journals due to
the huge costs involved.
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