2nd call for "Space, Interaction, Discourse" international conference

Paul McIlvenny paul at HUM.AAU.DK
Tue Jan 15 08:32:49 UTC 2008

Sorry for cross-posting.
Please circulate this information to interested parties.



International conference

Plenary speakers:
* John A. Dixon, Lancaster University, UK
* Ole B. Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Elizabeth Keating, University of Texas at Austin, USA
* Lorenza Mondada,  Université Lumière Lyon2, France
* Ron Scollon, Alaska, USA

Dates: 12th - 14th November 2008


Location: Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Web site: http://www.placeme.hum.aau.dk/conf2008/

The aim of this international conference entitled "Space = Interaction =
Discourse" is to bring together researchers who investigate space,
mediated discourse and embodied interaction from different perspectives.
The conference will highlight interdisciplinary research that explores how
embodied and virtual social actors communicate, interact and coordinate
their activities in complex multimodal environments, with a special focus
on place, mobility and the body. Thus, this conference welcomes
contributions by scholars and doctoral students in a range of disciplines
and fields of inquiry, including discourse studies, conversation analysis,
discursive psychology, critical discourse analysis, interaction analysis,
architecture, design, geography, sociology, anthropology, environmental
psychology, mobility studies, ubiquitous computing, computer-supported
cooperative work and computer-supported cooperative learning. Please see
the online call for papers for more details.

The conference will take place at Aalborg University, and it will consist
of invited keynote lectures, parallel paper sessions and a workshop.

Submissions are solicited for paper presentations (30 minutes including
question time). Please submit an abstract and register on the website. The
deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st February 2008. All submissions
will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Notification of acceptance
by 15th March 2008.

The registration fee is 1500 DKK (approx. 200 euro), which includes
participation in the conference, a conference folder, the reception, three
lunches and two coffee/tea breaks each day over the three days.

The conference is international and open to researchers, doctoral and
graduate students. 

If you would like to take part in this exciting conference, then please
visit our website for further details:

This conference is supported by the "PlaceME" Nordic research network
(funded by NordForsk) and the Department of Language & Culture, Aalborg


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