ACS Summer Institute

Kris Rutten Kris.Rutten at UGENT.BE
Wed Dec 22 23:43:28 UTC 2010

ACS Summer Institute

The Association for Cultural Studies<> (ACS) presents the inaugural ACS Summer Institute<> to be held 11-15 July 2011 at the Department of Educational Studies of Ghent University in Belgium. The theme of the Summer Institute is Critical Literacies.

The traditional notions of literacy have been challenged by developments such as digitization, globalization and multiculturalism. During the Summer Institute we will question and discuss these challenges from a critical perspective, working at the intersection of cultural studies and education. We will take into account the expansion of the notion of a singular literacy to multiliteracies and focus on what this shift implies for media literacy, digital literacy, (cross)cultural literacy, academic literacy, corporal literacy, etc.

The Summer Institute will provide an intensive, extensive and rewarding pedagogical experience for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers who will have the opportunity to spend the week discussing and learning from keynote presentations, lectures, workshops and seminars delivered by 5 keynote speakers and a faculty staff of leading cultural studies scholars from around the world. The overall participatory and informal character of the Summer Institute will give voice to the participants by offering a forum to address  issues related to their own work specifically as well as issues of general interest. In addition, social activities from receptions and meals to informal gatherings will provide opportunity for participants, lecturers and organizers to intermingle and stimulate further conversation.


- Joke Hermes (Hogeschool Inholland/University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Carol Stabile (University of Oregon, United States)
- Ted Striphas (Indiana University, United States)
- Keyan Tomaselli (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South-Africa)
- John Willinsky (Stanford University, United States)

Confirmed Faculty Staff:

- Abdulhamied Alromaithy (Culture Arabia, United Arab Emirates)
- Ursula Ganz-Blaettler (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- Jan Hein Hoogstad (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Mikko Lehtonen (University of Tampere, Finland)
- Gilbert Rodman (University of Minnesota, United States)
- An van. Dienderen (Royal Academy of Art, University College Ghent, Belgium)
- Handel Kashope Wright (University of British Columbia, Canada)

The Summer Institute will be held in the tradition of the Crossroads conference, bringing together participants from a wide range of disciplines to explore what it means to conduct cultural studies. We therefore encourage participation from researchers who work in disciplines such as cultural studies, cultural anthropology, film studies, media studies, literary theory and criticism, discourse analysis, new literacy studies, educational studies, rhetorical criticism, etc.

Visit the ACS Summer Institute website<> for information about registration and accommodation, or contact: ACSSI2011 at<mailto:ACSSI2011 at>. We strongly advice participants to register and secure accommodation as early as possible.

The Association of Cultural Studies<> is the premiere international association of cultural studies and hosts the biennial Crossroads in Cultural Studies<> conference. Starting with Ghent in 2011, the ACS intends to host a biennial Summer Institute.

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