Symposium on intercultural communication

Saila Poutiainen saila.poutiainen at HELSINKI.FI
Fri Apr 29 13:19:58 UTC 2011

Call for Abstracts

Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication (NIC) Symposium

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 18th NIC symposium which  
will take place in Helsinki, Finland on 1-3 December 2011.

Theme of the symposium is Theoretical turbulence - A paradigm shift in  
the field of intercultural communication?

In intercultural communication, where are we theoretically, and where  
could or should we go? Is there theoretical turbulence that is unique  
to this field? If so, what kind of turbulence? Are there paradigms in  
intercultural communication, and if so, are we in the middle of a  
paradigm shift?

The conference theme asks for critical evaluations and larger  
paradigmatic discussions of intercultural communication research and  
education. The concerns and questions suggested by the theme are  
shared in different disciplines (media and communication, education,  
business studies, organizational and management studies, linguistics  
and sociolinguists, sociology, cultural studies) in Nordic countries  
and all over the world.

Presentations could touch upon, but are not limited to the following themes:

• Theoretical choices in intercultural communication research
• Critical evaluations of theories of intercultural communication
• Pedagogical applications of theoretical knowledge in teaching and  
• Examples of the application of interpretive or critical theories of  
intercultural communication in intercultural education and training
• Alternative perspectives for intercultural consultation or  
multicultural leadership
• Redefining key concepts in intercultural communication, for example,  
multicultural identity, culture, nation, diversity, intercultural  
communication, adaptation, intercultural skills or competence
• Challenges for intercultural communication (theories) set by the  
global world and individual multicultural experiences

In NIC Helsinki 2011 the conference theme will be discussed in several  
formats and venues: in a poster session, in workshops, by keynote  
speakers, in a panel, as well as in the traditional presentation  
sessions. The NIC Helsinki 2011 conference program will provide  
special spaces for MA and Ph.D. students to present and talk about  
their work. The interactive poster session is reserved especially for  
recent MA students’ projects, and the Ph.D. workshop is for Ph.D.  
students to present and address theoretical choices and dilemmas in  
their dissertations on intercultural communication.

The keynote speakers are:
Associate Professor Victor J. Friedman, Department of Sociology and  
Anthropology and Department of Behavioral Sciences, Max Stern Academic  
College of Emek Yezreel, Israel

Professor Kristine Muños, Department of Communication Studies,  
University of Iowa, USA

Professor Rebecca Piekkari, Department of Management and International  
Business, Aalto University School of Economics, Finland

Abstract submission:
Abstracts can be submitted for poster session, workshops, or panel  
presentations. The conference language is English and abstracts must  
be written in English. Presentations may be given in other languages;  
however, the audience may be limited. Please consult the conference  
website for a detailed description of the options, and submit your  
abstract of 200 words or less (including references) online by June  
17, 2011. The conference website will be available in early May at

Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline 17 June 2011
Early-bird registration ends 1 August 2011
Registration deadline 14 October 2011
Conference begins (official program) 1 December 2011 at 1pm
Conference ends (official program) 3 December by 3 pm

We would appreciate it if you could circulate this to anyone who may  
be interested.

On behalf of the organizers,

NIC Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication together with the  
Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Helsinki, and  
Aalto University

Saila Poutiainen, University Lecturer (Head of the organizing committee)
Institute of Behavioural Sciences
University of Helsinki

Karoliina Harjula (Secretary for the organizing committee)
University of Helsinki

Conference e-mail: nic2011helsinki[a]
Conference phone: +358 9 191 29345
NIC homepage:

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