Call for Papers: "Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change(DiPVaC 2012)"

Heike Pichler H.Pichler at SALFORD.AC.UK
Thu Sep 29 12:35:01 UTC 2011

Apologies for cross-posting 


Call for papers


Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change (DiPVaC 2012)

University of Salford, UK 

18-21 April 2012


Early quantitative sociolinguistics and quantitative corpus linguistics
tended to neglect discourse-pragmatic features, i.e., linguistic items
or expressions such as pragmatic particles, discourse markers,
quotatives, intensifiers, general extenders, tag questions, etc. which
are related by virtue of operating in the interpersonal and/or textual
domains. It is only in recent decades that quantitative paradigms have
witnessed a limited expansion in the study of these features. Amongst
other things, these studies have demonstrated that the distribution of
discourse-pragmatic features in the linguistic system is far from
random, that changes in their usage and distribution are structured and
principled, that many of their synchronic properties derive from the
processes constituting grammaticalization, and that the social embedding
of variation and change in their use may diverge from that of
phonological or morpho-syntactic variables (see, for example, Aijmer
2002; Andersen 2001; Cheshire et al. 2005; D'Arcy 2005; Macaulay 2005;
Tagliamonte & D'Arcy 2009). Yet despite the moderate upsurge in the
quantitative study of discourse-pragmatic features, it is fair to say
that discourse variation analysis is still at an embryonic stage
(Macaulay 2002). There is little consensus in terms of methodology;
analyses tend to focus on a few languages, a limited selection of
variables as well as external constraints on variation; and quantitative
studies of discourse-pragmatic change are often hampered by the shallow
time-depth of synchronic corpora. These factors impede significant
advancements and the formulation of a holistic theory of how
discourse-pragmatic features vary and change.   


The purpose of DiPVaC 2012 is to bring together scholars interested in
the quantitative analysis of discourse-pragmatic features from any
language variety, with the aims of: 


1.      discussing methodological, empirical and theoretical issues in
the quantitative analysis of discourse-pragmatic features;

2.      assessing the current state of the field and exploring new
directions of enquiry; 

3.      promoting the quantitative analysis of discourse-pragmatic
features within and beyond (variationist and corpus) linguistics; and

4.      launching an international network of scholars working on
discourse-pragmatic variation and change and providing a framework for
future collaborations between participants.


We welcome papers dealing with, but not restricted to, the following

*         methods in the quantitative analysis of discourse-pragmatic

*         sociolinguistic patterns of discourse-pragmatic variation and

*         social and geographical diffusion patterns of innovative
discourse features  

*         (language-internal) patterns of geographical variation in

*         the role of discourse-pragmatic features in the construction
and negotiation of social identities 

*         discourse-pragmatic variation and change in contexts of
language contact 

*         contrastive/cross-linguistic studies of discourse-pragmatic
variation and change 

*         the acquisition of discourse-pragmatic variation by children
and second language learners  

*         socio-perceptual studies of discourse-pragmatic variation   

*         discourse-pragmatic variation across interactional,
situational and technological settings

*         implications & applications of discourse variation analysis
within and beyond linguistic theory 


Confirmed plenary speakers include 

Kate Beeching (University of West of England, UK) 

Alexandra D'Arcy (Victoria University, Canada) 

Andreas H. Jucker (University of Zurich, Switzerland)  


Confirmed pre-conference workshop leaders include 

Alexandra D'Arcy (Victoria University, Canada) 

Sue Fox (Queen Mary's, University of London, UK)

Andreas H. Jucker (University of Zurich, Switzerland)  

Heike Pichler (University of Salford, UK) 

DECTE team (Newcastle University, UK) 


Abstract submission 

We accept abstracts for both paper and poster presentations. Abstracts
of up to 300 words excluding title and references should be submitted by
e-mail attachment (.doc, .docx, .pdf) to dipvac2012 at
<mailto:dipvac2012 at>  no later than 20 November 2011. Please
give the title of your paper but do not include your name or other
identifying information in the abstract. The title of the paper as well
as name, affiliation and contact details of author(s) should be included
in the body of your e-mail message. Abstracts will be refereed
anonymously by members of the scientific committee, and authors will be
notified of acceptance at the beginning of January 2012. Papers will be
20 minutes each, plus 10 minutes for questions. Posters will be
displayed for the duration of the event and there will be a special
poster session. 


Important dates 

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 20 November 2011 

Notification of acceptance: at the beginning of January 2012 

Pre-conference workshops: 18 April 2012

Conference: 18-20 April 2012 


Local organising committee 

Heike Pichler - main organiser h.pichler at
<mailto:h.pichler at>  

Gerry Howley - conference assistant g.m.howley at
<mailto:g.m.howley at>  



Please direct all enquiries to dipvac2012 at
<mailto:dipvac2012 at>  





Dr Heike Pichler

Lecturer in Sociolinguistics


University of Salford 

School of Humanities, Languages & Social Sciences

Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Maxwell Building, Room 815

Salford M5 4WT 



Tel: +44 (0)161 295 4575

Fax: +44 (0)161 295 5335

e-mail: h.pichler at 


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