14th International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter

Elena Hoicka e.hoicka at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Mon Feb 3 14:34:46 UTC 2014

14th International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter

July 14 - 19, 2014

University of Sheffield, England, United Kingdom


Applications are now open for the 14th International Summer School and
Symposium on Humour and Laughter.

Endorsed by the International Society for Humour Studies (ISHS) the
International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter is a
one-week intensive course on all aspects of humour: theory, research and

It offers presentations and workshops by leading scholars in the field. As
the course is primarily aimed at those who are at an early stage of
exploring humour, most of the participants are research students, but the
material is also suitable for more established scholars, for example if
they are moving into the area of humour from another discipline.

The Symposium takes place during the week, and is an opportunity for the
participants to present their own work and receive feedback. In addition,
provision is made for participants to make appointments with the lecturers
to receive one-to-one consultations about their work.

The Summer School and Symposium was founded in 2001 at Queen's University
in Belfast by Professor Willibald Ruch, who oversees the event every year.
It has been held all over Europe: Edinburgh (UK), Wolverhampton (UK),
Tübingen(Germany), Fribourg (Switzerland), Aberdeen (UK), Galați (Romania),
Granada (Spain), Zürich (Switzerland), Tartu (Estonia), Savonlinna
(Finland), Magdeburg (Germany).

This year’s speakers include:

*Dr Elena Hoicka*<http://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/staff/academic/elena-hoicka>
Department of Psychology
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, England

*Dr Jessica Milner Davis* <http://sydney.academia.edu/JessicaMilnerDavis>
School of Media, Arts and Letters
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

*Prof Christie Davies*<http://www.reading.ac.uk/AcaDepts/lw/Sociol/publish/people/academic/christie/bio.htm>
Department of Sociology
University of Reading
Reading, England

*Prof Willibald

Department of Psychology
University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

*Prof Gina Mireault*<http://www.jsc.edu/academics/BehavioralSciences/Faculty/GinaMireault.aspx>

Behavioral Sciences
Johnson State College
Johnson, Vermont, USA

*Dr Graeme Ritchie* <http://www.abdn.ac.uk/ncs/profiles/g.ritchie/>
Department of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, Scotland

*Dr Sharon Lockyer*<http://www.brunel.ac.uk/sss/sociology/staff-profiles/sharon-lockyer>

Sociology and Communications
Brunel University
London, England

*Prof Daniel Weiss*<http://www.slav.uzh.ch/ueberuns/Mitarbeiter-1/weiss.html>

Slavic Linguistics
University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

*Dr Natalia Skradol*<http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/russian/staff/profiles/nskradol>

Russian & Slavonic Studies
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, England

*Dr Alessandro Valitutti*<https://tuhat.halvi.helsinki.fi/portal/en/persons/alessandro-valitutti%2896a215f5-b833-4d44-92db-ad2ae573eef3%29.html>

Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland

The Summer School and Symposium is managed by an Advisory Board, along with
Dr. Elena Hoicka, this year's local organiser.

Early bird fees are: £250 for students, £300 for ISHS members and past
participants, and £350 for others.

If you are interested in more information or attending, please contact:
organiser14 at humoursummerschool.org
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