<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-GB">Call for
papers: DISCOURS, Issue 3 (December 2008)<br>
</span><a href="http://discours.revues.org/" target="_blank"><span style="" lang="EN-GB">http://discours.revues.org</span></a><span style="" lang="EN-GB"><br>
The newly launched e-journal DISCOURS publishes papers focusing on the<br>
following topics: discourse structure, cohesion, co-reference,<br>
linearization, indexation, information structure, word order,<br>
segmentation markers, integration markers, discourse relations and the<br>
cognitive processes involved in discourse comprehension and<br>
production. We encourage submissions from all linguists,<br>
psycholinguists and computer linguists working in these areas within<br>
the following approaches:<br>
§ Descriptive approaches: Diachronic - synchronic –<br>
monolingual – multilingual -typological<br>
§ Corpus linguistics: Specialised texts –literary
texts –<br>
written /oral corpora<br>
§ NLP: Document navigation – semantic extraction –
information retrieval<br>
§ Experimental approaches: production
–comprehension –<br>
acquisition (normal and pathological populations).<br>
Papers (in English or French), accompanied by an abstract and 5-8<br>
keywords should be sent to: </span><a href="mailto:discours@revues.org"><span style="" lang="EN-GB">discours@revues.org</span></a><span style="" lang="EN-GB"> before </span><span style="" lang="EN-GB">September
2008</span><span style="" lang="EN-GB">. Full
instructions can be found on the website:<br>
</span><a href="http://discours.revues.org/index208.html" target="_blank"><span style="" lang="EN-GB">http://discours.revues.org/index208.html</span></a><span style="" lang="EN-GB">.<br>
§ 10 September: receipt of articles<br>
§ 15 September: nomination of referees,<br>
§ 15 October: receipt of referees' assessments<br>
§ 15 November: receipt of corrected versions<br>
§ 30 November: validation of definitive articles by
§ End of December: online publication</span></p>