<p> This message is for presenters and possible attendees of the 2009 Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference (i.e., FemRhet 2009).<br />
<br />
The registration system for the 2009 Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference is live and available on our website: <a target="_blank" href="http://kairos.wide.msu.edu/%7Efemrhet/registration.html">http://kairos.wide.msu.edu/~femrhet/registration.html</a>. Also, all presenters have to register by June 15 to be on the FemRhet 2009 program; there's a late fee for registrations after that date. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding registration. <br />
<br />
Jessica Rivait<br />
FemRhet 2009 Planning Committee Member</p>
<p class="imp-signature"><!--begin_signature-->-- <br />
Jessica Rivait<br />
Doctoral Student in Rhetoric and Writing<br />
283 Bessey Hall<br />
Michigan State University<br />
East Lansing, MI 48823<!--end_signature--></p>