Dan Everett: Word formation constraints

Martha McGinnis mcginnis at ucalgary.ca
Tue Feb 13 16:12:38 UTC 2001


How does DM handle the kinds of adjectives that Lieber discusses in
several places, e.g. 'She's an I-don't -care-who-said-it-I'm-going-anyway
kind of jungle explorer'? LFG treats these as idioms, which I think is
highly implausible. They seem quite productive.

A related question, revealing even more of my ignorance of DM, is whether
DM allos for word-formation which involves neither vocabulary items (as
immediate consituents of the word) or head-movement. Such a case might
arise, for example, in certain kinds of sentential predicates (a large
class of these is discussed under 'quotatives' in my grammar of Wari',
published by Routledge).

Thanks for any help,

Dan Everett
Research Professor of Phonetics and Phonology
University of Manchester

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