
Martha McGinnis mcginnis at UCALGARY.CA
Thu Mar 11 20:30:02 UTC 2004

Dan, I appreciate your efforts to be provocative, but you're
seriously misrepresenting the discussion of paradigms.

DM doesn't deserve the criticism you're levelling at it.  Defining a
priori what the correct theory looks like may be metatheory.  More
importantly, it's bad science.  But DM *doesn't* place a priori
limits on the form of the correct theory.  It's just a framework of
testable hypotheses.  Proposing a testable hypothesis isn't
metatheory, it's just "theory", i.e. normal science.

Anyway, I don't have any more time to devote to this discussion, so
I'm afraid that's my last word on the subject.

mcginnis at

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