new configuration

Martha McGinnis mcginnis at UCALGARY.CA
Fri Jan 14 17:53:00 UTC 2005

Dear DM-Listers,

I'm thinking about trying a new configuration for the (currently
extremely quiet) DM-list.  The new configuration would be
unmoderated, but private -- that is, only list members could post to
the list.  It's currently moderated but public -- that is, anyone can
post to the list, but all mail comes first to the owner (me) for
approval.  In recent months, this has meant more and more that I
arrive at work to find a huge stack of spam in my DM-list file.  For
some reason, there seems to be no way to configure the list so that
it is both private AND moderated.

I have to say that I've done very little editing, and most of that
has been to suggest rephrasing the occasional ad hominem attack,
which in the end made very little difference.  I can always step in
and remove someone from the list if they're harassing list members
beyond a reasonable limit.  So I don't think the list will suffer
from the change.  However, if anyone has any objections, please let
me know.

mcginnis at

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