[EDLING:1011] CFP: Heritage Language Journal

Tamara Warhol warholt at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Thu Sep 29 16:36:10 UTC 2005

Via the AAAL listserv . . .


The Heritage Language Journal invites proposals for its 2006 Special 
Issue: “Heritage Language Learning and TESOL.” The Editors seek 
proposals that examine the intersections between heritage language 
learning (K-16) and English as a second language (ESL) education (K-16). 
Proposals may discuss intersections, such as, but not limited to: 
student needs, language use, classroom pedagogy, curriculum design, 
family and parent involvement, equity education, academic achievement, 
technology interface, teacher education, teacher collaboration, and 
inter-institutional collaboration. Proposals with a focus across 
languages and language groups are especially encouraged.

Initial proposals are due by December 1, 2005, and should be no more 
than 1,000 words.

Submit proposals electronically to both Guest Editors:

Linda Jensen,
Dept of Applied Linguistics and TESL
jensen at humnet.ucla.edu

Debra Suarez,
Department of Education, TESOL
College of Notre Dame
suarez at debrasuarez.com

If accepted, Final Papers will be due by July 2006.

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