[EDLING:1459] Japanese/Korean Pedagogy Workshop

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Fri Apr 14 15:00:02 UTC 2006

Japanese/Korean Pedagogy Workshop

University of Washington

May 20, 2006


This workshop is designed for both Japanese and Korean language instructors
and addresses current issues in intermediate and upper level courses. 
Presentations will be in English, with topics to include content-based
instruction (CBI), heritage/non-heritage teaching, and learning and
discussion of "intermediate" materials.  Participants in the workshop will
have the unique opportunity to address various issues found in both Japanese
and Korean language classes in order to explore solutions and ideas for
improvement.  The workshop will focus on college-level instruction, however,
secondary-level teachers are also welcome to participate.

For more information or to register, visit our Web site at 

This event is sponsored by the East Asia Center
Thank you,
-John Malcomson
John W.B. Malcomson
Curriculum Secretary
Asian Languages and Literature
Gowen 225
Box 353521

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