[EDLING:2138] TESL, Assistant Professor, tenure-track

Drescher, Nancy L nancy.drescher at MNSU.EDU
Fri Dec 8 17:09:03 UTC 2006

If you know of anyone who fits the following description and is looking
for a job, please let them know.  Also - if you know of anyone who might
know of someone, please let them know!  


TESL, Assistant Professor, tenure-track 

TESL:  Department of Modern Languages, Minnesota State University,
Mankato.  Starting date August 20, 2007.  Teaching 24 credits per year,
less four credits release time  for ESL program coordination.  DUTIES:
Teach courses in undergraduate and graduate TESL programs, particularly
methods and licensure courses; supervise ESL field experiences for
methods students; help supervise graduate assistants in ESL; advise;
assist with theses; evaluate ESL licensure applications; coordinate ESL
courses for international students; direct English placement testing of
incoming international students; teach ESL at the university level;
engage in research and service.  REQUIREMENTS:  Doctorate in TESL or
related field by August 1, 2008; qualified for ESL licensure in U.S.
K-12 context; ESL K-12 teaching experience; ability to teach K-12 ESL
methods courses and supervise field placements; ability to teach
university ESL; demonstrated potential for research and commitment to
diversity.  Applications received by January 16, 2007 will receive
priority consideration. TO APPLY:  See description and application
procedure at:  http://www.mnsu.edu (link to "Employment at MSU").
AA/EOE and a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

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