[EDLING:1217] CFP: Intercultural Communication

Francis M Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Thu Feb 2 21:57:48 UTC 2006

> Journal Culture, Language and Representation invites contributions 
> for Volume 4 to be published May 2007
> The issue will be devoted to "Intercultural Communication"
> Since the various migratory phenomena entered the logic of 
> globalization, awareness has been raised about how different social 
> groups engage in open communicative processes. The cultural component 
> of communication covers a wide range of areas ranging from what has 
> been termed "material culture", to identity politics, power 
> relations, the idea of diversity and difference, concepts of the 
> border, as well as various other dimensions of communicative 
> interaction. Thus, the academic community has explored the field of 
> intercultural communication in an attempt to tackle and understand 
> those aspects of the communicative processes deriving from but not 
> directly related to linguistic abilities and variables.
> Submissions may engage in the theoretical or empirical discussion of:
> - Comparative analysis of communicative interactions between cultures.
> - The exploration and evaluation of intercultural situations in 
> divergent communicative contexts.
> - The analysis of transcultural, intracultural, ultracultural, 
> metacultural, or acculturization processes.
> - Educational proposals that adopt an intercultural communicative approach.
> - The role of the intercultural mediators in social contexts (public 
> services, institutions, etc.)
> - The role of the media and advertising in promoting or appropriating 
> elements of intercultural communication.
> - The articulation of issues of intercultural communication in the 
> arts, literature, film, or any other field involving creative processes.
> Prospective contributors should follow the Journal's Guidelines for 
> Publication, available in the Journal's Web Page: 
> <http://www.clr.uji.es/>www.clr.uji.es; or on request to the Editors
> Articles will be peer-reviewed and acceptance or rejection, based on 
> the external evaluation, will be notified in 3 months' time counting 
> from the Deadline for submissions.
> Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2006
> Any enquiries concerning this Call for Papers or the Journal should 
> be addressed to the Editors:
> Jose R. Prado  --   <mailto:prado at ang.uji.es>prado at ang.uji.es
> Jose Luis Blas --   <mailto:blas at fil.uji.es>blas at fil.uji.es
> Please send two hard copies of your contribution and a PC diskette 
> with a Word or RTF document to:
> Articles in English:
> Jose R. Prado
> Departamento de Estudios Ingleses
> Campus Riu Sec
> Universitat Jaume I
> 12071 Castellon, Spain
> Articles in Spanish:
> Jose Luis Blas
> Departamento de Filologia y Culturas Europeas
> Campus Riu Sec
> Universitat Jaume I
> 12071 Castellon, Spain
> Dr. Jose R. Prado
> Campus Riu Sec
> Universidad Jaume I
> 12071 Castellon
> Spain
> Tel. +34 964 729532
> Office: +34 964 729616
> Fax. +34 964 729261

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