[EDLING:1918] Native American Language Project Makes German Musical Debut

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Tue Oct 3 04:17:36 UTC 2006


Native American Language Project Makes German Musical Debut

BERLIN, Oct. 2 (AScribe Newswire) -- German rock music legend Peter Maffay 
released his new album Friday to German audiences. Maffay will mark its 
release with gala receptions in Berlin beginning at the Teldex Studios today 
and continuing on to the Bertelsmann House Oct. 3. The album has also been 
released in conjunction with German Unification Day and the annual Quadriga 
Award ceremony, held to honor outstanding worldwide individuals. Maffay will 
be presenting and singing live with Native American artist Robby Romero at the 

Full details at

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