[EDLING:1944] [Fwd: Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Queer Studies]

Tamara Warhol warholt at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Wed Oct 11 13:32:02 UTC 2006

via the GALA listserv . . .

Program for the Study of Women and Gender
Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Queer Studies

The Smith College Program for the Study of Women and Gender invites
applications for a Mellon post-doctoral fellowship in Queer Studies. The
two-year position begins in fall 2007 and includes teaching one course in
the field each semester. Teaching responsibilities will include courses in
queer theory and the construction of sexualities and genders. Discipline of
Ph.D. is open. Areas of specialization of most interest are the
intersection of critical race studies and queer studies and/or queer
studies and transnational perspectives.

Ph.D. must be completed before the appointment begins. Candidates with
prior interdisciplinary teaching experience are strongly preferred.
Candidates should send a letter of application outlining doctoral
coursework, research, teaching experience in the field, a curriculum vitae,
sample syllabi and a list of three references to: Search Committee. Program
for the Study of Women and Gender, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063

Review of applications will begin November 15 and continue until the
position is filled. Smith College, an undergraduate women's college, is
consistently ranked as one of the nation's top liberal arts colleges. Smith
College is an equal opportunity employer encouraging excellence through

The Program for the Study of Women and Gender has 20 affiliated faulty,
offers 60 courses in the major each year, and currently has 45 majors.

We are among the leaders in undergraduate programs in requiring each of our
majors and minors to elect at least one course in queer studies, and majors
may also elect a queer studies concentration.

Our conferences in queer studies, Queer Studies/Queer Activism in 1998 and
Homeland Insecurity: Civil Liberties, Repression, and Citizenship in the
1950s in 2003 (http://www.smith.edu/civlib),have brought us national
attention and create lasting networks of scholars in the field.

Smith College is part of a vibrant intellectual community of scholars that
includes Amherst,Hampshire and Mount Holyoke Colleges, the University of
Massachusetts, and the Five College Women's Studies Research Center that
attracts national and international fellows.

To learn more about the Program for the Study of Women and Gender, visit
our website

Susan Van Dyne, Chair
Program for the Study of Women & Gender
Seelye Hall
Smith College
'This is about Smith'
Northampton, MA 01063

(413)585-3393 FAX

Mary Bucholtz, Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
3607 South Hall
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3100
phone: (805) 893-5415
fax: (805) 893-7769

Office hours Fall 2006: W 10-10:50, Th 2:15-3:15, and by appt.

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