Northwest Indian Language Institute Summer Institute 2008

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Tue May 20 22:16:05 UTC 2008

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Northwest Indian Language Institute Summer Institute 2008  *Date:*16-May-2008
*From:* Christopher Doty <>
*Subject:* Northwest Indian Language Institute Summer Institute 2008

Please join us for the 11th annual NILI Summer Institute at the University
of Oregon July 7th - 18th, 2008. Courses will cover a range of topics,
including Northwest Native languages, linguistics, materials and
technology, and teaching methods. This year, we will explore ways that
parents, programs and language teachers can encourage language use outside
the classroom.

Courses offered:

Teaching Methods for Indian Languages: Language in the Home (1 credit)

Instructor: Lindsay Marean

Classroom Materials and Technology (1 credit)

Instructors: Chris Doty, Judith Fernandes

Introduction to Linguistics (1 credit)

Instructor: Janne Underriner

Introduction to Sahaptin Linguistics (1 credit)

Instructor: Joana Jansen

Advanced Linguistics for NW Indian Languages (1 credit)

Instructor: TBA

Chinuk Wawa (1 credit)

Instructor: Tony Johnson

Sahaptin (1 credit)

Instructor: Virginia Beavert

Lushootseed - A Total Immersion language Class (1 credit)

Instructor: Zalmai (Zeke) Zahir

For complete course descriptions and costs, please see

Weekend Workshop: July 11-13, 2008

A Basket Story and Mapping Language to Land: Language in the Home

It is vital for communities, teachers and language programs to develop
strategies to bring language home to the families, and encourage families
to participate within the classroom. This workshop will develop curriculum
and materials that connect the classroom with the home.

Mnemonic devices are objects that cause us to remember a topic. For
example, a picture of a "cat" can help remind a student of the word for
cat, or even a story about their own pet. Different objects create
different memories for all of us. The curriculum and lesson plans we will
be covering during the weekend workshop involve developing two different
mnemonic devices to get language used in the home. They are as follows:

A Basket Story: Baskets are an integral part to indigenous culture. They
"weave" our lives into connections with nature, materials, elders, stories,
history, and much, much more. Each individual's basket story is different,
though everyone's is significant. Some stories are straight forward, going
in a straight line with a clear beginning and end. Other stories are
tightly woven and cover several themes. They can cover current events, as
well as, traditional history. Such is the diversity of basketry. Some
baskets are only one material, woven under, over, under, over. Others are
tightly twisted, involving several resources and have intricate designs.
Some baskets are only woven with traditional materials, while others
incorporate contemporary materials, meshing new with old.

Each language program will be selecting a tribal basket story for this
workshop. If you can, bring a basket, or photo of a weaver or basket that
you would like to use to tell your story. This object will be the center
piece for your lesson plan development and mnemonic device.

Mapping Language to Land: Everyone has stories when traveling. They
usually begin with, "This is where I locked my keys in the car when." or,
"This is where my grandfather use to take me hunting." or, "My tribe
picks berries on that hill, because.. and that is why it is called.." As in
basket stories, each of these stories are unique. This is not literally
language in the home, but what is meant by language in the home is language
used by families, and we are usually with our families (at least close
friends) when we are traveling in a vehicle.

Each language group will be coming up with their own story that is tied to
the land. Hence: they will be creating curriculum around the idea of
Mapping Language to Land. The actual location will serve as the mnemonic
device. Please try to have some story ideas that will tie your language to
the land.

Zalmai (Zeke) Zahir will lead the workshop. He is a scholar and instructor
of the Lushootseed language and culture. For over thirty years he has
studied with elderly speakers, researching, transcribing and translating
Lushootseed. He has authored and co-authored a number of Lushootseed
language publications

The workshop follows the theme of Language in the Home, and will run a half
day Friday, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning. It will be a required
part of the curriculum for full summer institute participants, but also
available for those of you who can't make it for the full institute.

For more information on the Summer Institute, please see

Priority registration deadline: June 2, 2008. Registration forms are
available at After June 2,
2008, registration will be on a space-available basis.

We hope to see you in Eugene this summer!

Northwest Indian Language Institute

University of Oregon
1629 Moss Street
Eugene, OR 97403
phone 541.346.0730
fax 541.346.6086
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