CFP: "Who Are We?: SLA in a Global Society"

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Wed Dec 9 15:42:33 UTC 2009

Via AAAL...

Dear all,

The UW-Madison SLA Graduate Student Organization, in collaboration with the University of Iowa SLA student organization (FLARES), is organizing a graduate student symposium entitled "Who are we?: SLA in a Global Society" for April 16-17, 2010 at the UW-Madison.

We are writing to ask if you would forward this call for papers to the graduate students and appropriate listservs at your university. Thanks for your help.


SLA Graduate Student Organization
University of Wisconsin-Madison

----------------CALL FOR PAPERS-------------------------

2010 SLA Graduate Student Symposium

"Who Are We?: SLA in a Global Society"

Friday, April 16 & Saturday, April 17, 2010

Memorial Union, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Iowa

The field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) continues to develop by drawing on theory and research from both its founding fields and newly contributing areas of study. This wide variety of perspectives contributes to a flow of ideas across disciplinary, geographical, and linguistic boundaries, describing a myriad of linguistic situations, from lingua franca communication to language maintenance, acquisition, and loss. From this multi-faceted research base SLA addresses a diverse range of linguistic and social ideas relevant to multilingual classroom, community, and workplace settings and explores a view of identity, both of researcher and researched, as fluid, multiple and increasingly trans-national and trans-cultural.
We seek proposals from graduate students of their research that reflects the interdisciplinary and globally expanding nature of the field of SLA. The graduate students at the University of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have formed a partnership to host this annual conference, with organization and hosting of the conference alternating between the universities. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for graduate students in SLA and related disciplines to present their work and meet distinguished researchers in their field.

Keynote Speaker
Bonny Norton (University of British Columbia):
Invited Speakers from the Sponsoring Institutions
Richard Young (UW-Madison):
Michael Everson (U of Iowa):

A panel of professors and graduate students from the University of Iowa and the UW-Madison will address how identity in SLA work is explored through different methodologies, discussing the variety of ways identity can be investigated and unraveled within SLA research.

Submission Guidelines
We invite proposals for papers and posters from graduate students at any level of graduate study. Paper presentations will be 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion period.
Posters will be displayed on Saturday, April 17. Poster presenters will be expected to stand by their posters to discuss their work during a 1-hour session.
Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, those related to the symposium theme and/or any of the following areas:
·Formal approaches to language learning
·Generative second language acquisition (syntax, phonology, semantics)
·Heritage language acquisition
·Identity and language learning
·Language testing and assessment
·Learner corpora and SLA
·Second and foreign language pedagogy
·Second and foreign language policy
·Second language analysis and use
·Second language and cultural socialization
·Second language learning and technology
·Second language pragmatics
·Second language processes and learning
·Socio-cultural approaches to language learning

Please use the accompanying submission form to submit abstracts by December 30, 2009 to: slagrads at
Notification of acceptance will be sent by January 29, 2010.
Please use the attached form for all submissions. You will be asked to provide the following information: presenter name(s), affiliations, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers, AV needs, and summary (50 words), title, and abstract (300 words) of the presentation.
You will also be asked to indicate if you would like your abstract considered for presentation as a paper or as a poster. You may also indicate whether or not you would like your abstract to be considered for presentation as a poster, if it is not selected for a paper presentation.

Evaluation of Proposals:
Reviewers will take into consideration these criteria when evaluating proposals:
I. Choice and clarity of topic, perspective, and/or method
II. Quality of research (literature, methods, and conclusions)
III. Contribution to field, originality
IV. Relevance to current issues in SLA

Please contact slagrads at with questions. Information about the symposium, including an electronic copy of this call and of the submission form can be found at
UW-Madison Doctoral Program in SLA:
UW-Madison Language Institute:
University of Iowa FLARE:

Margaret Merrill merrill2 at
Carolina Bernales bernales at
Symposium Co-chairs

Funding for the symposium is provided by the Language Institute, Associated Students of Madison, and the UW-Madison College of Letters and Science Anonymous Fund

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