Can your baby learn French or Mandarin?

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Feb 16 15:15:47 UTC 2009

OC Register


Can your baby learn French or Mandarin?


Teachers at Lango Foreign Language believe it's never too early to teach your child a second language, and they have the 14-month-old students to prove it.


Infants and toddlers can participate in Mommy-and-Me language classes at the school, which has various locations throughout Irvine and South County cities like Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel. Full-immersion classes in French, Spanish and Mandarin are also offered to preschool and elementary-age students interested in picking up another tongue.


"Studies have shown the window of opportunity for learning a new language is between birth and 6 years old," said Cyndi Kimball, regional operator for Lango Foreign Language For Kids. "We really try to target that age group when the brain is still forming and learning language is easier."


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